Friday, August 3, 2012

Never Say Never - The RC Arduino Library

I always told myself I would never write an Arduino library but after looking at the assembly code of some of my recent projects I have changed my mind.

Most of my projects involve reading and writing RC Signals, these are both time critical activities, the difference between full brakes and full throttle is only one thousandth of a second.

Existing solutions such as the code I have posted previously are perfectly good, but they are based on general purpose libraries that sacrifice performance and accuracy for flexibility.

Examples using general purpose libraries -
Servo Library

PinChangeInt library

I am in the testing stages with a dedicated RC Library which sacrifices some flexibility for a big improvement in accuracy, size and performance.

I have a the perfect test bed for the library in my existing projects -

The L293D RC Robot

RC Race Car Child Mode

Active Yaw Control

By converting each project to use the new library I can demonstrate the performance, ease of use and reliability of the library. I also plan to include the existing projects as samples within the library download.

Bench testing is complete, road testing starts tomorrow.

Duane B

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